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UP Board Center List: List of UP Board 10th and 12th exam centers released, here is the direct link

UPMSP Final Exam Center List: More than 55 lakh candidates have enrolled and are expected to appear in the upcoming UP Board Exam 2024

Up exam center list

HR Mandi Bhav: UP Board Exam Centers 2024: Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Council (UPMSP) has released the file list of UP Board Exam Centers 2024 for class 10 and 12. Candidates who are registered to appear in the upcoming examinations can see the list released on the official website upmsp.edu.in.

Media reports suggest that more than 55 lakh candidates have enrolled and are expected to appear in the upcoming UP Board Exam 2024. Out of this, more than 29 lakh students have registered for Class 10 examination, while about 26 lakh students have applied for Class 12. Trends show that there has been a decline in the number of candidates as compared to last year. , where about 60 lakh candidates had registered.

To check UP Board Exam Center List for 2024, follow these steps

Step 1: Go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, upmsp.edu.in.

Step 2: Scroll down the homepage to the important information and download section. 

Step 3: Click on the tab for final center list.

Step 4: A new tab will open, which will contain the district wise center list.

Step 5: You can check the list related to your district.

The direct link to check the list of exam centers  is  https://upmsp.edu.in/CenterList.aspx .

This time board exams will be held at so many centers

UP Board has recommended 7864 examination centers this year. Whereas, last year there were about 8753 examination centres. Last year, the board had banned 432 schools from becoming examination centres.

This year, UP Board 10th and 12th examinations will be conducted between 22 February to 9 March. At the same time, the schedule of 12th practical examinations has also been released. 

Practical examination for the board will be conducted in two phases. The first phase will be from 25th January to 1st February and the second phase will be from 2nd February to 9th February.