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Trains: Even those who travel by train frequently may not know the difference between superfast, mail and express

Trains:  Trains are used every day in India. But very few people would know what is the difference between express, mail and superfast train?

indian railway

Hr Mandi Bhav, Trains Interesting Facts: In India, people use trains a lot to go from one place to another. It is also said that this is the best option for travelling. 

Along with safety, the train also costs less money. Indian Railways is also called the lifeline of the country. Every day crores of people travel some distance or the other. But very few people know what is the difference between superfast train, mail train or express. do you know?  

mail-express train 

Many trains run according to speed in Indian Railways. Mail Express Train is also a limited train running per hour. With its help, long distances can be covered from big cities. Mail-express train is slower than superfast train. 

This train runs at a speed of approximately 50 km/h. It stops somewhere. Sometimes it even stops at halts. Most Mail-Express numbers start with 123. Punjab Mail, Mumbai Mail and Kalka Mail are express mails.

express train 

Express train is a semi-priority rail service in India. The speed of these trains is approximately 55 km/h. That means the speed of express train is higher than superfast train and speed of mail train is higher. 

Unlike the mail train, the express train does not make halts at various places. Express trains are often named after a city, place or person. It has sleeper, common and AC coaches.

superfast train 

The speed of superfast train is more than mail-express or express. The speed of superfast train is more than 110 km/h. These have fewer stoppages and higher fares as compared to Mail-Express or Express trains. They move from one state to another. These also have sleeper, AC and general coaches.