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Land Dispute: Which section will apply in land dispute, what is the legal provision

There is lack of information among people regarding settlement of land related disputes. In such a situation, if you also have any land dispute, then today we are going to tell you in our news that if you have any land dispute, then know which section will be applicable in such a situation. Let us know the complete information in the news.

property news

HR Mandi Bhav News, Digital Desk - There is lack of information among people  regarding settlement of disputes related to land. 

Most people are not familiar with the legal sections related to land disputes. People often face such disputes. Many times these disputes take a very big form.

In such a situation, it is important to have knowledge of the legal provisions and sections related to land related matters. 

It is noteworthy that in order to get legal aid in settlement of disputes related to land or property , the victim has a provision to get legal aid in both criminal and civil cases.

IPC sections related to criminal cases-

- Section 406: Many times people take advantage of the trust placed in them. They take advantage of the trust and confidence reposed in them and take possession of the land or other property. Under this section the victim can lodge his complaint.

- Section 467 : Under this section, if someone's land or other property is taken over by making a fake document (forged document) and possession is established, then in such a case the victim person can get his/her rights under Section 467 of the IPC. Can file a complaint. The number of cases of taking possession of land or property in this manner is very high. Such cases are a cognizable offense and are tried by the Magistrate of the First Class. This crime is not compoundable

- Section 420: This section deals with various types of fraud and fraud cases. Under this section, a complaint can also be filed by the victim in disputes related to property or land.

Civil law relating to land or other property-

Land related disputes are also settled through civil process. Although sometimes it takes a long time, but it is a cheap process. 

In case of illegal occupation of someone's land or property, the matter is also settled through this. Civil court deals with such cases.

Specific Relief Act, 1963-

This law was made by the Parliament of India for speedy justice in property related matters. Through Section 6 of this Act, this section is applied in the case of snatching away the property of a person without any legal process or forcefully taking possession of it. 

Through Section 6, justice is given to the victim in an easy and quick manner. However, there are some rules related to Section 6 which are important to know.

Some rules and important things related to Section 6-

- Whatever order or decree is passed by the court under this section, it cannot be appealed.
- This section is applicable in those cases in which the victim's land has been snatched away from his possession within 6 months. If the case is registered after these 6 months, then it will be tried through the normal civil process instead of getting justice under section 6. This will be resolved.
- A case cannot be brought against the government under this section.
- Under this, the owner, tenant or lessee of the property can file any case.