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Know the difference between Whiskey, Whiskey and Scotch, even heavy drinkers do not know this thing

Alcohol news: Today you can find many types of whiskey in the market. Whiskey is written on some bottles, whiskey is written on many bottles, Scotch is also printed on some bottles. But even those who drink daily are not aware that there is a difference between them. If you are also among such people then definitely read this news before buying liquor. Let us know about the difference between them 

wine news

HR Mandi Bhav News, New Delhi: Different types of liquor are available in the market. Whiskey is one such variety of liquor. If you drink alcohol then you must have noticed that on some whiskey bottles Whiskey is written in English and on others Whiskey is written in English. 

Seeing this the question that comes to mind is which of these words is correct. From grammatical point of view both the words are correct. 

Now the question arises that if both are correct then what is the difference between Whiskey and Whiskey? Let us know when Whiskey will be written on the bottle and when Whiskey...

Difference between Whiskey and Whiskey

Actually, the main reason for this difference is Irish and American liquor companies. Liquor companies in Ireland and America write Whiskey using an extra E in Whiskey to give a distinct identity to their whiskey brands. 

This is the reason why Whiskey is written on the whiskey bottles of American company Jack Daniels and Irish whiskey brand Jameson. 

However, if we look at the bottles of Indian, Scottish, Japanese or Canadian liquor companies like Glenfiddich, Glenlevit, Black Dog, Johnnie Walker, Black and White, Antiquity etc., Whiskey is written on them.  

Difference between Scotch whiskey and common whiskey

Many times questions arise in people's minds regarding the meaning of Scotch written on liquor bottles. Actually, whiskey made in Scotland is called Scotch whiskey. To make Scotch, it is aged, which means the whiskey is stored for a few years under a special process. 

For this reason, you will find 5 years, 12 years or 15 years written on Scotch bottles. Barley, corn etc. are used to make Scotch whiskey. 

At the same time, most of the Indian companies make whiskey by using molasses or molasses made during making sugar from sugarcane instead of grains. However, Indian brand whiskeys fall under the Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) category, hence it is not mandatory to age them.