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Inverter Battery: 99 percent people do not know the correct way to put water in the inverter battery, hence it does not last long

How to Maintain Inverter Battery: For the inverter to work properly, it is very important to take care of its maintenance. You can install single or double battery inverter as per your need. It is necessary to add water to the inverter battery from time to time, but many people make mistakes in this too. Let us tell you when and how water should be added to the inverter battery.


HR Mandi  Bhav News, Digital Desk - Nowadays, it is a common thing to have inverter installed in every house to avoid any problem due to power cut. Small electrical appliances run easily with an inverter. The life of an inverter is usually 3-4 years. 

However, due to carelessness in maintenance, inverters (Inverter Battery Maintenance Tips) often get damaged before their scheduled period. Especially most of the people do not know the correct way of pouring water into the inverter. Today we are going to tell you about this in detail. 

How to keep the battery in good condition?

How well will your inverter ( How to Maintain Inverter Battery ) work? It all depends on the amount of water present in it. Usually people are careless in pouring water into the inverter and when it stops completely, they wake up from their sleep. To avoid this, make sure to check the water level of the inverter battery once every 15 days.
Add only distilled water

Also keep in mind that use only distilled water in the inverter battery ( How to Maintain Inverter Battery ). Do not put RO water or tap water in it even by mistake. By doing this, your battery will completely die and then you will have to spend a lot of money to get it repaired. 

Pay special attention to this

According to experts, when to put water in inverter battery , having more or less water in the inverter battery is both harmful. Therefore, while pouring distilled water into the battery, check how much water is filled in it first. Under no circumstances fill the battery to the brim with water. 

By doing this, the acid present in the battery becomes very diluted, due to which there is a possibility of the inverter getting damaged before its scheduled period.