Fridge Servicing: When should the fridge be serviced, most of the people do not have the right information
Fridge Servicing: Today, through this news, we are going to tell you when the fridge should be serviced (fridge service kab krvani cahiye). We all know that the use of refrigerator increases significantly in summer. And the refrigerators used in homes are designed in such a way that even if no attention is paid to it for two-four years, it still runs without any problem. But freeze service is also very important. Otherwise, being careless can lead to big problems.

HR Mandi Bhav News, Digital Desk - Fridge Servicing: Refrigerator usage increases significantly in summer. In fact, as the temperature increases, the food items kept in the house start spoiling quickly. In such a situation, more and more items are kept in the fridge. In such a situation, the temperature will have to be reduced by several degrees. Due to which the pressure on the refrigerator increases. If you do not get it serviced on time, it can get damaged any time during the summer season. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you how you can easily prevent the refrigerator from getting damaged in summer.
How often should the refrigerator be serviced:
For information, let us tell you that the refrigerator used in homes is prepared in such a way that even if no attention is paid to it for two-four years, it still runs without any problem and there is no fault in it. .
A problem is usually seen in the refrigerator after continuous use for a few years . There is reduction in its cooling and this happens due to the coolant being exhausted or its quantity remaining less. In such a situation, when you keep food items in your refrigerator, it sometimes becomes difficult to keep them fresh for a long time.
What is the correct information:
Actually, most people are not aware of fridge servicing because fridges usually last for a long time . In such a situation, people do not pay attention to it, but a big problem with most of the users is that after a few years, when the refrigerator starts malfunctioning, problems keep coming one after the other, the result is this. More than ₹4000 will have to be paid at one time. One will have to spend ₹10,000.
To prevent this from happening to you, let us tell you that you should get your fridge serviced at least twice every year, which means you should call a mechanic for a checkup of the fridge.
And if any kind of defect occurs in it, the part should be replaced and its coolant should also be changed. In this way you can keep your fridge fit and fine for a long time.