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Coconut broke the glass, dogs scratched it and caused damage... such car insurance claims that it left one's head spinning

Car Insurance News: If you have a car then car insurance is equally important for you. In case of damage to the car, insurance companies compensate for it. You just have to make a claim, after which the insurance companies pay for the damage caused to the car.

how to claim the car

HR Mandi Bhav, Car Insurance Claim: If you have a car then car insurance is equally important for you. In case of damage to the car, insurance companies compensate for it. 

You just have to make a claim, after which the insurance companies pay for the damage caused to the car. 

You will be left laughing after knowing the kind of claims made by the insured last year for insurance claims. You will be shocked to know about the claim. On the other hand, insurance companies are stunned by such claims. 

What kind of claims are these?    

According to the news of Times of India, last year, so many people came to the insurance companies regarding car insurance claims that they got confused. 

Someone filed a claim for a coconut falling on the car, while someone filed a claim for scratches on the car caused by dogs, cats and even goats. 

Some insured people even filed an insurance claim to compensate for the damage caused to the car due to the pecking of the peacock. In the year 2023, many cases of car damage caused by elephants were reported.  

Strange insurance claim  

In the year 2023, such claims will come before the insurance companies regarding car insurance claims, knowing about which you will laugh. An insured claimed that his car was damaged due to the peacock's beak. 

At the same time, maximum cases of damage to cars due to elephants were reported in Assam, West Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. 

Insurance company Go Digit said that they paid 20 claims for car damage caused by elephants. At the same time, maximum 110 cases of damage to cars due to dogs and cats came from a single locality of Lucknow.  

There are many cases of damage to cars caused by goats and coconuts, not only by dogs and cats but also by goats. Many such claims came to the attention of insurance companies, where vehicles were damaged due to buffaloes and goats. 

Cases of damage to cars due to falling coconuts are also increasing. There were also claims where monkeys damaged cars by throwing things. 

Most claims in this matter  

Insurance companies say that they have received the highest number of cases of vehicles being pushed from behind. At the second place was the case of head-on collision. At number three came claims of damage to vehicles due to hit and run cases.

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