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Alcohol news: How many bottles of liquor can you carry in metro, train, plane and car, know the rules

alcohol news: The government has allowed two bottles of liquor to be carried in the metro, but people often ask how much liquor can be carried in a train, plane and car? Let us know the law. 


HR Mandi Bhav, New Delhi: The announcement of allowing liquor to be carried in Delhi Metro created debate on social media. A person named Polymath on Twitter tagged DMRC and asked about carrying liquor in the metro. DMRC said that a passenger can take two sealed bottles of liquor with him in the metro. 

But the thing worth noting is that passengers can drink alcohol in any line of the metro. You can carry alcohol in the metro only on the Airport Line. 

Now in this article let us tell you whether you can travel in train, plane or car after drinking alcohol or not. And if possible, then how much liquor can a passenger carry with him?

How much alcohol can be taken on the train?

If you are thinking of carrying alcohol on a train, you should first read the Railways Act, 1989. Actually, the 1989 Railway Act says that it is illegal to consume alcohol in the train, on the railway premises, on the railway platform or at the railway station. Under this law you cannot carry any intoxicant on railway property. 

Section 145 of the 1989 Railway Act says that if you are found consuming liquor or any intoxicating substance in any way inside the railway property, you can face 6 months of jail or pay a fine of Rs 500. Are.

How much alcohol can be taken on the plane? 

Talking about carrying alcohol on the plane, any passenger can carry up to 100 ml of alcohol in his handbag during the journey. If we talk about drinking alcohol inside the plane, then no airline can serve alcohol to the passengers in domestic flights. The facility of serving alcohol is available only on international flights.

How much alcohol can you carry in your car?

If you are traveling by car and want to take liquor with you, then let us tell you that every state has its own laws regarding this. Actually, liquor is a state list, hence every state has different laws on it. For example, in states where liquor is banned, you cannot carry even a single bottle of liquor. 

Whereas in states where liquor is not banned, you can carry up to one liter of liquor in the car. However, if you travel by car with more than the prescribed quantity of liquor, then if caught you can face imprisonment of 5 years or a fine of Rs 5000.