Wine Beer: These 7 major changes occur in the body just by not drinking alcohol for a month
Liquor: Experts say that if you drink alcohol every day, then within the first week you will start drinking again to a large extent. It is very difficult to control the desire to drink alcohol. If someone does not drink alcohol for a week, many changes occur in his body, let us know.

HR Mandi Bhav News: Everyone knows the harm of drinking alcohol, but people do not want to give up it. Drinking alcohol causes many diseases, such as cancer, heart attack and amnesia. So it is best to leave it. But do you know what changes happen in your body when you stay away from alcohol? You know it:
Hangover and increased appetite along with detox
The body comes into detox mode within a few hours of quitting drinking alcohol. Due to this, the liver starts working extra hard so that the alcohol present in the blood can be completely cleared. This causes hangover. The person starts feeling the urge to drink alcohol again and again. Apart from this, pancreas also starts producing insulin in excessive amounts and appetite increases.
Withdrawal symptoms begin to occur
People who consume alcohol excessively and drink at any time of the day find it very difficult to quit drinking. Many types of withdrawal symptoms start appearing in those people. Such as heartbeat becomes irregular, dizziness occurs, head always feels heavy etc.
Young look along with glow
Quitting alcohol increases the level of Vitamin C in the body and this vitamin is very important for healthy and glowing skin.
Strengthens memory and cures mental illnesses
Drinking alcohol not only weakens memory but also increases mental problems. Due to this the person also becomes a victim of depression. But after quitting alcohol, all these problems go away. A person's thinking ability increases and he is able to take correct decisions.
weight normal and good sleep
According to Britain's National Health Service, after quitting alcohol, weight starts becoming normal, fatigue is felt less and the person starts staying fit. Apart from this, sleep also starts getting better.
Heart related diseases and bad cholesterol go away
Drinking alcohol significantly increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. But if one stops drinking it and adopts a healthy lifestyle, it helps in reducing bad cholesterol and keeping the heart healthy.
(Note: If you drink excessively, then consult a doctor once to quit it and get the right advice because after quitting alcohol, there can be different changes in everyone's body.