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Whiskey: Only this much water should be added to a peg of whiskey, 99 percent of people do not know this

whisky peene ka sahi tarika -  Every person drinks alcohol in his own way. Be it alcohol or whiskey, people add water, soda to it to change its taste. Due to this, today we are going to tell you that only this much water should be added to a peg of whiskey. 99 percent of people are unaware of this. Let's know the amount of water in whiskey-


HR Mandi Bhav News, Digital Desk- New Delhi: We all know that alcohol is harmful for health. But still the number of people who drink it is very large. Be it happiness or sadness, those who are fond of drinking just look for an opportunity to drink it. 
There are many types of liquor like whiskey, vodka, rum. Some drink them by mixing soda, some drink them by mixing cold drink and water, but you will be surprised to know that most people do not know the right way to drink these varieties of liquor. Let's know about it. 

First let's talk about whiskey. The number of people who drink this variety of alcohol is the highest. But the number of people who know how to drink it properly is probably the least. 

According to experts, whiskey should not be consumed with water, cold drinks and soda. It should be consumed neat. You will be shocked to hear this for the first time that doing this will cause more harm to the body, but the matter does not end here, even after this there are some things which you should follow. 

If you are fond of whiskey and like to drink it with water, then do you know how much water is best to use to make one peg?

You will be surprised to know that 99 percent of people who drink whiskey do not know how much water they should add to a peg of whiskey. Some fill the entire glass with water, some use very little water or some use only ice cubes.

However, the correct answer to this has been given by food scientists from Washington State University, Michigan State University and Oregon State University. They did a study on this in the year 2023.

In this study, they found out how much water is right to add to maintain the taste and aroma of whiskey. The research published in the Foods Journal stated that the research team studied this by mixing 25 different whiskeys, including bourbon, rye, single-malt, mixed scotch and Irish whiskey, with water.

The results of this research showed that adding 20% ​​water to 80% whisky gives the best taste. At the same time, the taste of whisky does not change. In the research, this was considered the best mixed peg of whisky.