This investment scheme of Post Office is absolutely unique, you can start investing with just Rs 1000

Khabar TV (Bureau): There are many such schemes of the post office. One such investment scheme is the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme which helps you earn every month.
If you are also looking for a savings scheme (Post Office Savings Schemes) for investment , then this scheme can be best for you. You can take advantage of this scheme in your nearest post office.
Investing with 1000 rupees
If you start investing in this scheme with only Rs 1000 and can invest in multiples of Rs 100. The maximum limit of investment has been fixed in this. Let us tell you that under this scheme a single account holder can invest up to a maximum of Rs 9 ( monthly income scheme ) lakh. If the account is a joint account, then you can invest up to a maximum of Rs 15 lakh.
You will get this much interest
In this Monthly Income Scheme of Post Office, interest is being offered at the rate of 7.4 percent per annum. In this scheme, interest is paid after completion of one month from the date of opening the account. Money keeps getting deposited till maturity.
If the account holder does not get monthly interest, then interest on interest will also not be received ( Post Office Monthly Income Scheme ). Along with this, if any person deposits extra money on behalf of the depositor, then this money will be returned.
Account closed after completion of 5 years
Under the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme account, the account can be closed after completion of 5 years from the date of opening the account. But if the account holder dies before maturity, then the account is closed.
At the same time, under this scheme, interest is paid for the last few months ( Post Office ki best savings schemes) . This also includes the refunded amount. At the same time, you cannot withdraw any deposited amount before the completion of 1 year from the date of deposit.