Shani 2024: In the year 2024, Saturn on the copper base will make the people of these zodiac signs rich, but they will have to face terrible troubles
Shani Paya 2024: According to astrology, Saturn has four pays. The first of these is silver, the second is copper, the third is gold and the fourth is iron.

HR Mandi Bhav: At the same time, in the new year, the respective positions of each zodiac sign have changed. In the year 2024, Saturn will move on the feet of copper and will provide auspicious and inauspicious results to all the zodiac signs.
Shani Paya Effects 2024: According to astrology, Saturn has four paya. Which includes gold, silver, copper and iron. Let us tell you that in the year 2024, Saturn will change its position in every zodiac sign.
For this, let us know in detail in astrology that Saturn will be in which house of which zodiac sign in the new year and we will also know what kind of auspicious and inauspicious effect the change in this house will have on different zodiac signs.
These zodiac signs will be blessed with gold in the year 2024
People of this zodiac sign will have to work hard to achieve success under the influence of Swarna Paaya. This year may prove to be a great struggle for these people.
According to astrology, people of these zodiac signs may have to face problems related to income. You will also have to face many types of problems in job or business.
These people may have to face physical pain this year. There will be unnecessary mental stress. Relations with relatives or friends will not be good.
These zodiac signs will have a foot of iron
Leo sun sign
People of these zodiac signs will have to face many types of expenses this year. There will be hindrance in income. There is a need to be cautious about accidents.
It will take time to return the money borrowed. You will have to face many types of problems in business. You may have to face stress from your children.
Copper's foot will be on these zodiac signs
People of this zodiac sign will get new opportunities for progress this year. There may also be an opportunity for promotion or increment in the job.
Virgo sun sign
Students in this zodiac sign will get good results this year. Students trying for higher education or job will get good news.
People of this zodiac sign will get material comforts. There will be happiness from children and there are opportunities to travel abroad.
Silver will be found on these zodiac signs
Cancer zodiac sign
People of this zodiac sign will suddenly get financial benefits in job and business.
People of this zodiac sign will get opportunities for promotion in job and business.
People of this zodiac sign will not only get promotion in job and business but will also get sudden wealth.