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Rajasthan is going to get another new railway line, lottery will be held for the people of these areas

Rajasthan News: The dream of the people of these areas to walk on the trek between Gangapur City-Dausa for almost 27 years has finally been fulfilled. Dholpur-Gangapur City rail line is also expected to be completed now.

railway news of the day

HR Mandi Bhav News : The dream of the people of these areas to walk on the trek between Gangapur City-Dausa for almost 27 years has finally been fulfilled. Dholpur-Gangapur City rail line is also expected to be completed now. Even after the approval of Dholpur-Gangapur City via Karauli Rail Project in 2010-11, rail service has not been provided. 

In fact, the rail project has been going very slowly since its inception. Rail wait still continues for almost 13 years. However, in the first phase, work is going on to build a narrow gauge to broad gauge line between Dholpur-Sarmathura, while in the second phase, the Rs 1861 crore DPR sent last month, Sarmathura to Gangapur City via Karauli rail line, is about to get the green signal. Waiting.

After the approval of this DPR, the expansion of Sarmathura-Karauli-Gangapur City Rail Line can start. After decades of demand, the Dholpur-Gangapur City via Karauli rail line was approved in the year 2010-2011. 

With this, the railway dream of the area residents will be fulfilled. But this rail project has moved slowly since the beginning. Which has not been able to complete even one phase of work till now.

The project survey was conducted in 2012–13. The foundation stone of this project was also laid in 2013. Later the work also started. But then the work stopped. Work started again. In the initial phase of the project, North Central Railway Prayagraj is carrying out gauge conversion of about 69 kilometers from Dholpur to Sarmathura. 

The estimated expenditure for this phase is approximately Rs 747 crore. Whereas in the second phase, the railway track is to be extended from Sarmathura to Gangapur City via Karauli. Which DPR has been prepared and sent to the Railway Board.

Narrow gauge tracks removed, preparation for laying the line

Recently the old narrow gauge tracks from Dholpur station to Tantpur were removed. Land is being prepared here to lay the track from Dholpur station. Here, small underpass and culvert are being built on the track including Pachgaon outpost. In the next few days, work on laying cemented sleepers for the trek will begin. There is huge stock of ballast and sleepers.

A two-storey building will be built in an area of ​​900 meters.

Now the two-storey main station building will be ready in the narrow gauge station complex of Dholpur. After this the work started. It will be built in about 900 meters. In future, passengers will be able to board trains to Gangapur City and Sarmathura in addition to Mumbai-Delhi line trains from the main station.

9 platforms, 11 tracks

At present six platforms are ready at Dholpur station. Four are old. While Platform 9 is to be completely built. Three will be applicable on Dholpur-Gangapur City line. A total of eleven tracks will be laid at the station. At present there are seven tracks, out of which two are being built on the Gangapur City Line. Building work is still going on in the old shed.

Gangapur City Line will start by December 2026

The deadline for running trains on the Dholpur-Gangapur City line is December 2026. Agra division said that work will start first on Dholpur-Sarmathura line. In the second phase, work will be done from Gangapur City Line to Sarmathura. 

The completion date of this new line is December 2026. Railway Headquarters will control this work. Recently, train operation was started from Gwalior to Jaura-Sumavali, which is like the narrow gauge line of Dholpur. This work has been completed before time.

Project at a glance

Dholpur-Gangapur City Rail Project
Approved Year 2010-11
145 Km. Distance from Gangapur City to Dholpur
is 76 km.
Train operation from Gangapur to Sarmathura is to be done by December 2026.

15 big bridges, 71 small bridges included

In the Phase II DPR, 15 major bridges and 71 minor bridges will be built over a distance of about 76 km from Sarmathura to Gangapur City. 36 RUB and 8 RUB are also set at this time.