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Heavy drinker: After all, a person who drinks how much alcohol is considered a heavy drinker.

How Much Alcohol Is Safe - People have many questions in their minds regarding alcohol. Some people like to drink only one or two pegs occasionally at a wedding or party, while some people keep making pegs till their heart is full. But do you know how much alcohol a person consumes is considered a heavy drinker. If not, then let us know in the news below- 

drink news

HR Mandi Bhav (Bureau). liquor wine - In today's times, drinking liquor has become a hobby. A large number of youth can be seen sitting in the bar and sipping their drinks. If the occasion is of happiness, then the number of people drinking alcohol increases even more.

This year, the New Year celebrations were such that more than one crore bottles of liquor were sold in Delhi. Some people drink alcohol in small quantities, while others keep drinking drink after drink until they feel satisfied. 

Do you know how many people who drink alcohol are considered heavy drinkers? Today we will tell you about heavy drinking and the major harm caused by it.

Such people are considered heavy drinkers.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men who drink 15 drinks or more a week can be considered heavy drinkers. If we talk about women, this scale is a little different for them. Women who consume 8 or more drinks in a week can be considered heavy drinkers.

In simple language, drinking more than 1 or 2 drinks every day can be called heavy drinking. Usually one drink contains about 30ml of alcohol. Beer contains about 5% alcohol and wine contains 12% alcohol. This quantity may be more or less in different brands.

How much alcohol is safe to drink? 

According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO), drinking alcohol in any quantity is not beneficial for health. 

Serious risks to your health begin to arise from the very first drop of alcohol (kitni sharab peena chahiye). Drinking alcohol increases the risk of 7 types of cancer including breast cancer and bowel cancer.

Liquor contains alcohol, which is considered quite toxic for health. The elements present in alcohol enter the body and have toxic effects on many of our organs.

Due to this, physical and mental health is badly affected (disadvantages of alcohol). It has been proven in many researches that prolonged consumption of alcohol changes the chemistry of our brain and its size also becomes smaller.