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Farmers should pay attention to this while preparing paddy cheese, profits will be more

Paddy Plants: Before cultivating paddy, the plant is prepared before transplanting it. If farmers prepare paddy saplings in their fields, then the cost is also reduced and the production is also good, which is more beneficial than the sown paddy.

paddy news

Paddy Plants : Before cultivating paddy, the plant is prepared before transplanting it. If farmers prepare paddy seedlings in their fields, then the cost is also less and the production is also good. After preparing the seedlings, the transplanted paddy crop gives more profit and remains disease free, which is more beneficial than the sown paddy. 

After harvesting the wheat crop, seedlings are prepared for transplanting the next crop of paddy. Usually, paddy transplantation starts from the second week of June. In such a situation, farmers have to prepare the seedlings before transplanting paddy. 

Agricultural scientists say that if the seedlings are prepared well before transplanting paddy, then the paddy crop will remain pest-free and farmers will get good production.

Dr. NC Tripathi, in-charge of Krishi Vigyan Niyamatpur, said that long duration variety of paddy saplings should be planted between 15 to 20 May, but paddy saplings of fine varieties should not be sown now. 

Dr. Tripathi further said that if farmers select good varieties while planting saplings and plant saplings after purifying the seeds and soil, then the paddy crop will not be infested by pests and the production will also be good.

Prepare the plants like this

Dr. NC Tripathi said that before planting the saplings, plow the field well and make the soil soft. Purify the land by adding Trichoderma at the rate of 2 kg per acre. After that, make beds keeping the width of one meter. Farmers can keep the length of the bed as per their convenience. 

By making beds and sowing the saplings, water consumption will be reduced. Also, farmers will be able to do weed management by sitting on the ridge of the bed and the saplings will not get damaged.