Doctors Prescription: High Court Justice enraged by doctors' handwriting, gave this order to the government
Doctors Prescription News: Not only in India but also in other countries of the world, people are troubled by the handwriting of doctors. Many such cases have come to light from Asia to Africa, where courts in their decisions have ordered doctors to write prescriptions in readable handwriting.

HR mandi Bhav: Osdiha High Court: After the High Court of many states got entangled in the doctor's handwriting in the Medico Legal Case (MLC), now the Odisha High Court has warned the doctors to take action by giving instructions to write clearly. Let us tell you that a bigger issue than MLC is the handwriting in doctors' prescriptions.
You write on the lines of Khuda Banche, these prescriptions end up costing the lives of many patients. Hearing one such case, the Odisha High Court has directed the state government to issue a circular with immediate effect in which all prescriptions and medico-legal reports from doctors should be written in capital letters, if possible. Or be asked to write in typed form.
Justice got angry when there was difficulty in reading handwriting
This direction from the Odisha High Court came when Justice SK Panigrahi found it difficult to decide a case as the post-mortem report attached to the petition was not being read properly and was not understandable.
According to this order of the High Court, after the full implementation of this decision of the government, in future no court will have to face unnecessary trouble and 'unnecessary fatigue' in reading such documents.
The petitioner had appealed
A petitioner had urged the court to direct the government to consider his memorandum for ex-gratia as his elder son had died due to snakebite. Not only in India, people in other countries of the world are also troubled by the handwriting of doctors. Many such cases have come to light from Asia to Africa, where courts in their decisions have ordered doctors to write prescriptions in readable handwriting.