Agriculture News: Learned from YouTube and grew a 'money tree' in barren land, now earning big money
Mahogany tree farming: A farmer from Rajasthan surprised everyone by growing mahogany tree in sandy land. 90 out of 100 trees dried up, but he did not lose courage. Today he is earning well from these trees.

HR Mandi Bhav: New Delhi: It is said that if you are determined about something then nothing is impossible. The effort should be made with a true heart and nature also supports you.
Farmer Likhmaram Meghwal, resident of Tankla village of Rajasthan, did not give up and planted mahogany, the 'money tree' in the dry desert. It is difficult to do farming and plant trees in barren land. Where there were no trees, Meghwal not only made the impossible possible but today he is earning big money from those trees.
'Money tree' grown in the desert
At the time of lockdown, Meghwal was sitting unemployed at home. In that free time, he became interested in organic farming. He started collecting information. He decided to plant mahogany trees.
This work was difficult, because there is no water in the desert. The land is barren, there is hot sun and severe cold, but they did not stop trying. He continued trying until the mahogany trees were planted.
Learned method from YouTube
Meghwal learned the method of mahogany cultivation from YouTube. To learn how to plant it, take care of it and irrigate it, I took the help of YouTube. He planted 100 mahogany trees in his farm, but 90 of them got spoiled.
There was disappointment, but Meghwal did not accept defeat. He started taking good care of the remaining 10 trees. Information was collected from research and agricultural experts for the care of trees. Today his trees are three years old. However, mahogany trees take 12 years to fully mature.
Why are mahogany trees special?
Mahogany trees are called 'money trees'. Expensive items are made from this tree. Mahogany wood is especially used in making weapons. This wood is used in making rifles. Apart from this, boats, furniture, plywood, decorative items, sculptures etc. are made from it. Mahogany wood does not spoil easily, hence its demand is quite high.
The price of its wood in the market is up to Rs 2000 per cubic foot. It does not require much effort to install it. Some care has to be taken regarding fertilizer and water. Special care has to be taken to ensure that the roots are not affected by termites. It does not require much water to apply it. Just care has to be taken that water does not reach the roots. Farmers can earn huge income from its cultivation.